Everything you need to plan,
implement, and track

all of your company’s actions in an agile,
uninterrupted, and integrated way!

Put your plan into action

Engage your team in tasks, track and replan whenever necessary through our SaaS, designed to empower companies to manage and execute strategic, tactical and operational plans.

Scale your processes, manage all your organization’s files in a single space, leverage your internal communication, engage your employees with a private social network, serve your customers with more agility and grow exponentially!



Don’t waste time with spreadsheets!

Create plans, set objectives, goals and actions with metrics and set responsibility in a single place, optimizing your company’s time.

Keep your team and customers connected in real time and enhance the creation of knowledge through a 100% digital software.

Combine aspects of your business, your competitors and the market, prioritize projects, initiatives, goals and strategic objectives in a visual and collaborative way.

Collection of content, ideas and insights

A place for knowledge development with easy access for all your contacts, with internal or external groups.

With BRIGHT & CONNECTED, you have a new way to share knowledge and information to promote innovation and relationships within your organization, with either your employees or customers.

Bring everything together on a single platform! Manage and share files, news, discussions, reports, decisions, metrics – and much more, in a productive, efficient and straightforward way.
  • ✓ Private and shared plans
  • ✓ Key Performance Indicators - KPIs
  • ✓ Matrix SWOT
  • ✓ Task management
  • ✓ Process templates
  • ✓ Tags
  • ✓ File management
  • ✓ Activity log
  • ✓ Private social network
  • ✓ Exclusive feeds
  • ✓ News Radar
  • ✓ Private and group chats
  • ✓ Team management
  • ✓ Time recording and reporting
  • ✓ Levels of authority and privacy
  • ✓ Integration with other software


“Implementing strategic plans is a problem all around the world. Several tools were developed to overcome difficulties and make the execution of corporate projects more efficient. In Brazil, SONNE developed an extension of the SWOT Matrix, one of the first and most utilized corporate tools, to try to ensure compliance with the designated strategy.” (translated)

Cristina Carvalho. Colocando o planejamento estratégico em ação. Harvard Business Review. March 2015. 


For users looking to better organize their business and personal projects


Main features

Personal Business

For professionals and companies that wish to manage their business and share projects and activities with other users

R$ 149,00


Main features


Blue Sky

For startups and small teams that wish to scale and manage their projects more quickly and efficiently

R$ 890,00


Main features

Golden Sun

For companies of all sizes that wish to monitor and optimize their processes and scale their operation

R$ 1.790,00


Main features

Deep Space

For midsize companies looking to solve their main management, productivity and knowledge challenges

R$ 3.990,00


Main features


Customized plan for companies of different segments and sizes

Consult us

No plano mensal

Main features

Request a free demo now!


    Why should I use MACHEN if I already have other task management and productivity software?
    Only with MACHEN you can scale your operational activities through process templates and plans, keep track of all your project activities, put the plan in action, manage teams, and execute and evaluate your company in a single platform. Furthermore, MACHEN also allows you to cross the SWOT Matrix and establish those responsible for your guidelines, goals, objectives and actions. It is also possible to define recurrence, priority status, levels of authority of execution and well-defined deadlines in each and every activity. By reducing your team’s processes and uptime, your profit will increase.
    How does MACHEN facilitate communication management in my company?
    With MACHEN, you centralize all communication in your company on a single platform, being able to communicate in real time with customers, employees and other users, besides sharing files, activities, ideas and plans. The company’s communication can be done through groups or departments and can also be linked to plans, preventing knowledge from being lost due to employee turnover.
    How can I use BRIGHT & CONNECTED for knowledge management in my company?
    With BRIGHT & CONNECTED, you can follow everything that happens in Brazil and in the world, through reliable information sources and ensure that your team is always updated in real time. It is a collaborative space in which users can interact with news according to their interests, by commenting, reacting to messages and sharing with other users, generating more and more insights and providing new opportunities for innovation in your business.
    How do I organize and retrieve information in MACHEN?
    In MACHEN, you can tag all information created as well as plans. This way, you have all the information organized and categorized by tags and do not have to waste time searching for files, news, plans and any other types of content.
    Can I customize MACHEN with my company's visual identity?
    Yes, MACHEN allows complete customization of the software to match your company’s identity.

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